Just like excessive skin exposure damages your skin, it can damage your hair health too. When the UVA and UVB rays from the sun directly hit the scalp and the shaft, it causes oxidative damage to the hair, making your hair dry, brittle, and coarse.
The heat from the summer sun can quickly turn your hair lifeless and limp. This is because the high humidity in the atmosphere may settle on the tresses and weigh them down. Being the ideal season for pools, chlorine and salt water can take a severe toll on your hair.
The list goes on and on about the negative impacts of summers on your hair, but we will be discussing the solutions. If you want to flaunt healthy and luscious hair even in the hottest and humid regions, learn with us the art of protecting your hair from the harsh sun rays without turning it into an endless battle. Let’s get started.
Cover up
Always wear a dark-coloured scarf or hat to cover your hair whenever you step out in the heat. Not only does it help to add additional UV protection, but it also helps to retain and maintain the moisture in the scalp. If your hair is colour-treated, less exposure to the sun rays with a hat or scarf can help to sustain the colour longer on your hair. It will also prevent tangles from the hot loos.
Go natural this summer.
Instead of using chemical-based shampoos and oils on your hair this summer, choose natural hair care products that take additional care of your hair during the pesky hot winds.
To prevent dryness in your hair during the summers, regular massages with natural oils like cold pressed coconut oil can do wonders in nourishing your follicles and reversing the sun damage on your hair. A good hot oil massage will help you relax after the heat while strengthening your hair roots.
Go heatless
If you want to safeguard your hair this summer, avoid using heat styling tools like blow dryers, straighteners, curlers, etc. The additional heat from these styling tools is never good for your hair as it can make your hair go lifeless in no time. This summer, go for more natural hairstyles to ensure that your hair is safe and healthy during the hot and humid weather.
Use heat protectant
By heat protectant, we do not mean the commercial heat protectant sprays that come with overloaded chemicals. Such products eventually do more harm than good to your hair. Instead, create a concoction of water, aloe vera juice and avocado oil/argan oil and store it into a spritz container. Spray the concoction before you leave the house, and this will keep your hair moisturized and protected in the heat. If you do not have enough time to invest in DIYing the concoction, you can also check out the best hair care products made from natural ingredients to keep your hair safe and secured from the heat.
Soothe your scalp from the heat
If your head is fuming from all the heat whenever you come back home, create a mix that will help to soothe your scalp instantly and prevent further damage. Use organic aloe vera gel and massage it into your scalp generously. This will remove the excess sebum, soothe your scalp and control excess oil production in the scalp. If your scalp feels weighed down after the application, you can choose to rinse it off with a mild shampoo.
Maintain a healthy diet
This may seem like generic advice but has extraordinary importance during summers. In summers, you have higher chances of suffering from nutrition deficiency as most of the nutrients may be used in giving you the energy to sustain through the hot day, and it may not be enough. This is why adding the right fruits and vegetables into your diet, rich in essential nutrients, is a dire necessity to enjoy healthy hair in summers.
Stay hydrated
During summers, you will quickly flush out the water content in your body. Without adequate liquids in your body, you may feel nauseous or dizzy during the day. To prevent such unforeseen circumstances, ensure to stay hydrated throughout the day.
The higher your water intake gets, the more are your chances of having a healthy and nourished scalp, as water and liquids are some of the most common sources of nutrients and hydration to your scalp. This will also prevent dryness during the summers and aid in bouncy and healthy hair!
For external nourishment, you can also check out hair care products online, such as leave-in conditioners that will keep your hair hydrated during summers.
Final Takeaways
You do not need to lengthen your hair care products list in the summers. The fewer products you apply to your scalp, the more space it gets to breathe. Go for only natural hair care products and reduce sun exposure as much as possible. By following these tips religiously, you can effortlessly combat the summers with beautifully healthy and hydrated manes!