Know Your Hair: Learning Everything about Dandruff with GreenOpia Naturals

Know Your Hair: Learning Everything about Dandruff with GreenOpia Naturals

The bane of everyone’s life: dandruff. Everyone can agree to be tired of this loathsome white stuff that resides in our hair and doesn’t like to leave us alone. We are all in the same boat. Zip codes may vary, but the hatred for dandruff remains the same. It may have also made certain situations extremely awkward. From wearing dark tops to visits to salons, dandruff makes you self-conscious, draining you out physically and mentally.

We all have googled “how to get rid of dandruff?”, and there are just way too many results that make it exhausting. Articles after articles. Ugh! It even sounds exhausting. Oh, and don’t even get us started on all those suggestions aunties love to give all the time! So many solutions just confuse things up. To get rid of a thing, you need to understand what the thing is. So let’s start with that.



Dandruff is caused by the reaction of yeast, named Malassezia that’s present in your hair, with the sebum that is produced by the hair follicles and the oil glands, which, by the way, multiplies quickly. The reason for this reaction may be different for different people: stress, hormones, weather, and many more. This results in an inflamed, irritated, and itchy scalp.

But more importantly, what people need to understand is that dandruff and dry scalp are two different things! This is the misconception that many have, believing that dandruff and dry scalp are one thing. This misconception may lead to disastrous consequences, seeing that prolongation of dandruff may pave a path for skin conditions like psoriasis.



Okay, we get it, there are a few similarities between the two like white, dry flakes or the constant itch on your scalp, which may confuse a lot of people. But that’s why we are here to help you out!

The most basic difference is that the dry scalp is caused due to lack of moisture and oil whereas part of the reason that causes dandruff is the overproduction of oil. Still, many would ask about the dry flakes. The lack of moisture results in flakes of dead skin on your head. The easiest way to differentiate dry skin flakes from dandruff flakes is by noticing their color. One will be white, while the other will be a bit yellowish due to the presence of oil, respectively.



One thing about dandruff is that it does not discriminate among people. No age or gender is spared! From a baby to 90 years old, dandruff can happen to anyone. But we do need to take into account the factors that lead to dandruff. Once you identify these triggering factors, it becomes easy to cure them.


  1. Hair Washing:

When you don’t wash your hair at a regular interval, your hair will get greasy. The thing is, we know that when don’t wash our hair, they become greasy. But if we wash it very frequently, it will result in stripping away of natural oils in the hair, which will force the oil glands to produce more sebum. Thus, experts suggest washing your hair every 2-3 days, to wash away the pollutants but also maintain the natural oils.


  1. Hormones:

Hormones levels up the production of natural oils that keep the scalp nourished and dandruff at bay. Of course, you cannot just control your hormones, no one can (sadly), but it is important to understand how changes in hormones can irk your dandruff. While you can’t control your hormones, you can always control what you eat that irks your hormones.


  1. Diet:

So diet might not directly affect dandruff, but it may be very much helpful in fighting them off. The greasy, junk food disrupts your hormonal balance which leads to more sebum production. A diet full of vitamin B content is very helpful as it does fight off dandruff. A diet rich in zinc and iron will aid in neutralizing the growth of this resilient yeast.


  1. Genetics:

The apple doesn’t fall far from the tree- oops sorry! The flakes don’t fall far from the shoulders! It doesn’t always mean that you inherit dandruff, but it does means that you are more prone to get it. You may not be able to prevent it, however, you can affect its frequency and effect by maintaining good hygiene.


  1. Products:

Always know your hair and the products you use in them! Sulfates in shampoo trigger dandruff. Use a sulfate-free shampoo to get rid of not only the pollutants but also every other hair product that you might have used. These leave-in products irritate the scalp.



Sadly, there is nothing known as a cure for dandruff. However, there are some temporary solutions! If we are persistent with our efforts to control dandruff, we can pave a way for a healthy scalp.

Here are a few ways you can control the frequency of dandruff:


  1. Add zinc to your diet:

A diet rich in omega 3 and 6 fatty acids, proteins, iron, and zinc is what you need. These will boost your immunity which will fight off dandruff-causing bacteria. Fresh food and vegetables always add nourishment to your head.


  1. Set a hair care routine:

First of all, make a schedule, for everything! Self-care is no kids’ game! Make a schedule for washing your hair that doesn’t make them dry but also not greasy. Use a shampoo that suits the best with your hair, but should lack sulfates. Add hair masks and oils to that schedule. 


  1. DIYs:

There are just so many amazing ingredients that are so good for your dandruff:

  1. Rosemary Oil + Your Shampoo
  2. Coconut Oil + Hair Mask
  3. Aloe Vera
  4. Salt + Hair Oil